
Space For the Spirit

As Christians, we’re taught to be people of our word and to be true to what we say - my word is my bond. While the sentiment is admirable, this can also paint us into a corner where by being true to our word we are unable to follow the Spirit. So how should the believer proceed? Find out!

Empowering Women

What was the early church’s practice when it came to women? Did they merely speak in words that empowered them or was this followed in practice? Click to find out.

Authority & Submission | Women In Church

Did Paul really mean that women can't have authority over a man and must learn in submission when he wrote 1 Timothy 2:11-12? Context wins again. :)

Silent | Should Women Be Silent in the Church?

Do women need to remain silent in the Church? Are they allowed to preach? For years, clobber verses have been taught as the end all, be all to this question, but was that what the Bible really meant, or was there something else entirely being addressed contextually in these verses? Read this blog to find out!