
The Way of the Foolish

As for me? I choose the way of the foolish, even though it runs contrary to what has long been taught in church. I choose to proclaim a message from God that screams He’s mad about you, not mad at you, and nothing: the way you vote, what country you’re from, or anything else, can change that fact.

Empowering Women

What was the early church’s practice when it came to women? Did they merely speak in words that empowered them or was this followed in practice? Click to find out.

Authority & Submission | Women In Church

Did Paul really mean that women can't have authority over a man and must learn in submission when he wrote 1 Timothy 2:11-12? Context wins again. :)

Context Is For Kings

While the scripture refers to freedom, it is not referring to our freedoms as Americans, our ability to defend our rights, freedom to demand the government make rules to protect the Church, or anything along those lines…it is referring to our freedom in Christ to love better than we have before.