Seeing Light

Light.  It’s a fascinating thing.  In fact, it’s the fastest thing we know of in the natural.

Light.  It helps us see.  Depending on what type of light it is and how bright it is, we can see farther and farther down the path in front of us.

Your word is a lamp to my feet
And a light to my path.   Ps. 119:105

Notice what will give light to your path – The Word of God.  However, here is what I find most interesting about the light:  It doesn’t go very far.  It’s a lamp to your feet and a light to your path.

You can’t look very far down the path and expect it to be illuminated.  There isn’t light for far down the path, there is only light for your feet.

What does this mean to us?

Well, we know, as Christians we are supposed to walk by faith, not by sight. (2 Cor. 5:7)  We could even say it this way, “We live and conduct our lives by faith, not by what we see.”

If you can see the path for years and years, how much faith does it take for you to keep walking on it?  Not very much.  The Bible says in Psalm 36:9b

In your light we see light.

Very simply, what that is saying is, when you walk into the light you have, you will receive more light.

Picture this: You’re walking through the woods at night.  It’s dark.  You can’t see much.  But you do have a flashlight.  When you shine it off in the distance, it doesn’t do you much good because you can’t see the obstacles right in front of you.  So you decide that you’re going to shine it at the ground, right in front of your feet.  You can see your feet, and just enough beyond them to make the next step.

But what happens when you take the next step?  The light moves with you.  When you walk into the light and take that first step, you then get enough light to take the next step.   Once you take the next step, you get enough light for the next step.  It’s keeps going.

Light is progressive.  That is, the more we see, the more we realize there is more to see.

That’s how our relationship with God is.  I’ve found time and time again that the more I learn about God, the more I realize there is more to learn and more I don’t know.

This progressive revelation of light makes life exciting.  I don’t need to know how everything is going to work out.  I just need to know enough to take the next step, and because I know Jesus loves me and is working everything out for my good, I know everything will end up the way God designed it – perfect.