Have You Ever...?

Have you ever…

Had your head hit the pillow at night and realized, “I am not happy…”

Not happy with:
-My Job
-My Marriage
-My Life
-My Health
-My ______

I have. 

Oftentimes we ignore issues in our lives, just silently hoping they will resolve themselves. Eventually we have a moment where time stands still and the realization hits that said issues still haven't been resolved. When life doesn’t play out the way you expected and you find yourself unhappy, what do you do? 

We are all faced with this question multiple times throughout our lives, and right now our society as a whole seems pretty unhappy. Our families are falling apart, finances lacking, people suffering through their jobs, hating the way they look…  

This isn’t the way life is supposed to look, but how do we move forward when it seems like a constant battle, and the more you fight the more you sink?

Try and think back to the last time you were truly happy. I did this not too long ago. I pondered for quite some time, trying to answer the question for myself. I wondered why it was so hard to pinpoint a truly happy time. I live a wonderful life with an outstanding husband, an awesome family, and good friends. 

Then, the Lord started to speak to me. He showed me that I was looking for this extended period of time where nothing went wrong. That my impracticality was hindering my happiness. I was waiting to be happy. I lied to myself, telling myself I can only truly be happy when my life is perfect; when my body looks the right way, my job perfect, and I’m not having to work through any issues in my marriage. Then I’ll be happy. 

I couldn’t find a time where I was truly happy because I couldn’t pinpoint a time when everything in my life was perfect. I was waiting, working tirelessly, and dreaming of the day when I could be truly happy, striving to get to this goal that seemed never achievable. 

I cried out to the Lord, knowing this wasn't a healthy way to live, and He began to show me the way out. 

He told me that I had to stop self defining my happiness, that I’d only be truly happy when I’d learned to be be content with growth.

If I’m not regularly working towards being a better wife, I’m not being a Godly wife. 

If I’m not regularly working towards/maintaining a fitness goal, I’m losing ground.

If I’m not regularly working towards growth in life, I’ve probably stopped breathing.

We all must continue to grow, and in growth be happy where we are today. When I tried to pinpoint a time of true happiness through this new point of view, what I saw was so beautiful…

I saw my life as truly happy. 

Happiness isn’t made up of periods of time, but moments that carry you through those periods of time where life brings you growth. 

I am a happy person, I live a happy life. I have a happy marriage and that happiness isn't defined by perfection, but by moments of laughter, smiles, and milestones met together as we grow. 

Look where you are today and don’t miss the miracle of the moment.

This moment is a miracle and growth is beautiful.

I strive to be transparent in life, sharing details that aren't always conformable, and my prayer is that this transparency helps you where you are now, so you can live the life God created for you to enjoy. 

May we all continue to grow in our lives as we follow Christ. 

By Grace,
