
Unlearning 2-2.png

Call it unlearning. Deconstruction. Flipping over the tables of the money changers.

That’s what I’ve been going through since 2012. In fact, much like Neo in The Matrix, I was given the choice to take the blue pill and live safe in what I “knew” to be true, or take the red pill, and find out the uncomfortable truths I maybe wasn’t ready to hear.

And that’s what I want to go through with you over the next few posts.

What do we need to unlearn? What has Churchianity (notice I didn’t say Christianity) taught us about Jesus and His character, and how does that compare to the Bible? What works do I need to perform? How do I gain His favor?

Religion has taught us about a God who is interested in a gospel built on the message of do more and try harder. I want to teach you about the God who is more interested in your heart and His ability to change you than your ability to change and please Him.
As I began to learn about Grace, as I began to learn about who Jesus truly is and what the Gospel means for you and I, something miraculous began to take place. You see, while many people argue that the message of Grace and what I’m going to teach you will cause you to sin more, I found the opposite began to happen - I began to sin less! When I took my eyes off of myself and placed my focus on Jesus, the Author and Finisher of my faith, sin became far less attractive and appealing.

I stepped off of the hamster wheel version of Christianity, where I had to do my best to keep everything going, and began to rest and trust in Jesus.

So, are you interested? Are you ready to start learning about the real Jesus, the one Who loves you because that’s who He is?

I’m looking forward to growing with you as I share this and putting more and more resources out there for you to truly walk in Grace throughout 2020 and the years to come.

By Grace,
